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How to Use Artificial Intelligence to Save Time on Daily Tasks

Updated: Jul 6

How to Use Artificial Intelligence to Save Time on Daily Tasks

In today's fast-paced world, finding ways to save time each day is invaluable. The hours wasted on tedious, repetitive tasks really add up, taking away time that could be spent more meaningfully. This is where artificial intelligence can make a huge difference.

AI tools and assistants can automate or simplify many daily tasks, freeing you up to focus on what matters most. In this post, we’ll explore the ways you can use AI right now to save time on common daily tasks.

What You Will Learn

Email Management

Email takes up so much time every day. AI assistants can help you manage your inbox more efficiently.

email campaign

Here are other articles on email marketing:

Use AI to Write Responses

Tools like Warmbox, Smartlead AI, Active Campaign,, Boomerang and Gmail Smart Reply generate short email responses for you. Simply choose from the provided options or edit as needed. This makes replying to routine emails quickly and painless.

AI Email Optimization

Crystal Knows analyzes your inbox and relationships to optimize communication. It provides conversation starters, empathy prompts, and timing recommendations tailored to each recipient. This helps you build stronger relationships in less time.

Automated Data Extraction

Instead of reading long emails, Eagle scans your inbox and extracts key details, insights, and action items into a summary. This condenses verbose emails into just the essentials. Email automation is one of the needs of many businesses in recent times.

Calendar Management

Calendar apps with AI integrate seamlessly into your workflow.


Automated Scheduling

Calendly uses AI to automatically schedule meetings and appointments based on your availability, time zone, location and preferences. This eliminates the back-and-forth of coordinating schedules.

Intelligent Reminders

Tools like Timely learns your habits and preferences to send smart reminders about upcoming meetings and events. It accounts for travel time, pre-meeting prep, and other nuances.

Next Action Recommendations

Clockwise analyzes your calendar to provide recommendations for what to work on next and when. This keeps you focused on the right task at the right time.

Note Taking

Taking quality notes is vital, but can bog you down. AI note tools remove the busy work. Use Tl;dv for that purpose

Voice-Powered Note Taking

Apps like generate shareable notes from conversations, interviews, meetings and lectures just by recording with your phone. The AI converts speech to text automatically.

Smart Action Items Extraction

Noteszilla scans your meeting notes and extracts follow-up tasks and action steps, compiling them into a checklist. This ensures important items don't slip through the cracks.

Automated Notes Sharing

FocusNote instantly shares notes from meetings and calls directly into tools like Slack, Dropbox, Evernote and more. The AI determines the most relevant highlights and details to share.

Writing Assistance

Writing often bogs us down. AI writing tools make creating content faster.

writing with pen

AI-Generated Drafts

Tools like Scalenut and SurferSeo create blog posts, emails, social media captions, and more from just a few bullet points. The AI handles turning notes into polished drafts. Other AI tools to generate drafts include:

Take a look at other articles we have written about Scalenut:

Grammar Correction

Grammarly instantly fixes grammar, spelling, punctuation and style issues in your writing. This allows you to write freely without perfectionism slowing you down.

Readability Optimization

Hemingway Editor analyzes your writing and highlights sentences that are hard to read. It provides rewrites for clearer, more concise language. This ensures your writing is easy to digest.

Research Assistance

Web research takes up lots of time. Research AI drastically speeds it up.


Automated Topic Research

Tools like ChatGPT, Claude and Rytr generate in-depth, cited topic research briefs in seconds just by entering a search term. This automates the most tedious parts of research.

Content Curation instantly finds and shares the best articles, tweets, and videos on a topic. Rather than browsing aimlessly, AI brings the most useful content to you.

Interactive Data Extraction

Knopp allows you to query data from documents by asking natural language questions. The AI parses the text and provides instant interactive answers. This streamlines analyzing research.

Social Media Management

Balancing social media with other work is tough. AI social media tools help optimize your time. READ: What are The Benefits of Using Pictory AI for Social Media Marketing

facebook live

Content Ideas and Creation

These tools provide personalized ideas for social media content and captions. Some even create complete posts for approval. This provides constant fodder to feed your social accounts. Use the following AI tools for creating your social media content:

  1. InVideo, DeepBrain and Pictory help you to create shareable videos.

  2. Podcastle AI and Descript help to write, record, transcribe, edit, collaborate, and share your videos and podcasts with your audience.

  3. Tugan AI: Just enter any article or YouTube video URL. Tugan AI instantly analyzes the content and generates tailored marketing copy including newsletters, tweets, threads, and LinkedIn posts.

  4. Murf AI helps you to generate voice.

Intelligent Post Scheduling

Buffer analyzes your audience and activity to recommend optimal times to schedule social media posts. This ensures your content gets maximum engagement.

Automated Visual Content Creation

Tools like Canva make visually appealing social graphics and videos optimized for each platform in just minutes. Even non-designers can create pro-level visual content fast.

Data Analysis

Analyzing data, reports, and info takes significant time. AI speeds up synthesis and insights.

data analysis

Automated Data Entry

Rather than manual data entry, these tools use OCR and NLP to extract and structure data from PDFs, forms, receipts and more. This eliminates drudgery while reducing human error.

Instant Analysis and Summary

Upload a dataset to Otis and it instantly analyzes key data points, trends, and insights. The AI also generates natural language summaries explaining the main takeaways.

Answering Business Questions

These apps and AI allow you to ask plain English business questions like "How are sales trending in Western markets?", analyze data and generate a chart with summarized explanations. This makes getting data insights fast and conversational.

Relate Topic:

Personal Assistant

For individual use, virtual assistants save time by completing tasks for you.

personal assistance

Basic Task Automation

These tools can manage your calendar, set reminders, add events, send texts and emails, and complete other basic tasks just through voice commands. Zapier is a good example.

Customer Service Support

24/7 chatbots like Clara serve as always-on assistants to answer customer questions at any time of day. This removes the need to personally handle simple queries.

Personalized Recommendations

Assistants like Amy learn your preferences to offer personalized recommendations for restaurants, entertainment, travel and more. This saves you research time choosing options.

How to Choose the Right AI Tools for You

With so many AI tools out there, choosing the right options can feel overwhelming. Here are three tips to select AI tools that save you the most time:

Identify Your Most Time-Consuming Tasks

Make a list of tasks and processes that demand the most time each day or week. These are prime targets for automation and AI assistance. Be specific instead of vague. For example, "editing podcast audio" instead of "creative work."

Look for Established Time-Saving Use Cases

Once you have a list of time-sucks, research to see if established AI tools already assist with those tasks. For instance, if "scheduling meetings" is a frequent chore, search for AI calendar assistants. Existing solutions prove AI capabilities.

Opt for Tools that Integrate Into Your Workflow

Look for AI tools that integrate directly into the platforms and software you already use. For example, writing AI that works inside Google Docs instead of a separate program. Reduced friction means you'll actually use the AI consistently.

Best Practices for Using AI to Save Time

Once you've chosen the right time-saving AI tools for your needs, the key is using them effectively and consistently. Here are some top tips:


Set Up Automation to Run in the Background

Look for ways to automate repetitive tasks on autopilot. For example, automatically moving low-priority emails to another folder. This frees you to focus energy on high-value work.

Allocate Time Regularly to Review AI Suggestions

Carve out dedicated time each day/week to review content generated or optimized by AI. For example, set 15 minutes daily to review and tweak AI writing drafts. This ensures you actually utilize the AI output.

Use AI Suggestions as Jumping Off Points

View AI-generated ideas, copy, content etc. as inspiration rather than the final product. Tweak, revise, and expand upon the AI drafts to create truly tailored, strategic content that performs even better.

Double Check Accuracy of Automated Data Processes

When using AI for data tasks like analysis or extraction, spot-check some results for accuracy. While AI is increasingly accurate, it's not foolproof. Verifying output is sound provides quality assurance.

Create Feedback Loops to Continuously Improve AI

Many AI tools learn from real-world use and feedback. Provide ratings, tweaks etc. when relevant to help the AI constantly improve and provide suggestions better tailored to you.

Limitations to Be Aware of When Using AI

AI tools can provide immense time savings. However, the technology still has limitations to be aware of:

AI Often Requires Clean, Structured Data

AI algorithms work best when data is clean, consistent and structured. Real-world data is frequently messy, so preprocessing may be needed for the AI to work well.

There Can Be Tradeoffs Between Speed and Accuracy

Some AI tools prioritize providing very fast results at the expense of reduced accuracy. Be aware of these tradeoffs for your use case. Sometimes double-checking is required.

AI Can Struggle With Context and Nuance

Unlike humans, most AI does not inherently understand broader context and nuance. This can lead to subpar or off-target text generation and insights without relevant context.

Privacy Risks Exist with Extensive Data Collection

To function optimally, many AI tools collect large amounts of data from users. Be aware of privacy policies to understand exactly what data is being gathered.

Over-Reliance on AI Can Degrade Thinking Skills

If becoming wholly dependent on AI tools, human skills like analysis, writing, and reasoning can atrophy over time. Look for a balance between AI assistance and practising core skills.

The Future of AI for Productivity

AI promises to drastically transform productivity and efficiency in the coming years. Here are some exciting developments on the horizon:

artificial intelligence

More Robust Voice Capabilities

Voice control makes interacting with AI fast and hands-free. Voice recognition and conversational AI abilities are rapidly improving to handle more nuanced commands.

Tighter Integration Between Tools

Right now many AI tools are siloed and disjointed. As AI matures, the tools will share data and insights for a truly integrated intelligent assistance experience.

Granular Customization Based on Habits

By analyzing user habits and preferences, future AI tools will offer suggestions tailored to exactly how each person works and thinks. AI will conform to the user rather than the reverse.

AI and Humans Working In Tandem

Rather than operating independently, future AI and humans will tightly collaborate, with each playing to their strengths. AI will amplify human skills in a hybrid workflow.

Physical Robot Assistance

AI-powered robot assistants will extend capabilities into the physical world. For example, a personal assistant robot managing your home and office environment.

Frequently Asked Questions About How to Use AI to Save Time on Daily Tasks

Here are some potential frequently asked questions for how to use AI to save time on daily tasks:

Q: What types of daily tasks can AI help me with?

A: AI can help with a variety of repetitive tasks like scheduling meetings and appointments, writing emails, completing administrative work, answering customer service inquiries, and more. Any tasks that are routine or require simple data processing can potentially be automated by AI.

Q: How does AI save time on these tasks?

A: AI works much faster than humans at completing routine computational tasks. By automating tasks with AI instead of completing them manually, you save all the time you would have spent doing them yourself.

Q: What are some examples of AI assistants I can use?

A: Some popular AI assistants have been discussed in this article. Take your time to look at them one after the other. Many productivity apps now also have AI features built-in to help streamline workflows.

Q: How can AI help me with email specifically?

A: AI tools can draft, revise, send, and categorize emails for you. For example, Smartlead AI and Warmbox can draft responses by analyzing an incoming email and learning your writing style over time. AI can also handle administrative emails like out-of-office replies.

Q: Is AI secure enough to trust with my personal data?

A: AI providers take security seriously. However, you should vet any tools to ensure they have security measures like data encryption in place before trusting them with sensitive information. Avoid oversharing personal data when possible as an extra precaution.

Q: Will AI ever fully replace human work?

A: In the short term, AI will mostly take over repetitive and routine tasks, allowing humans more time for higher-value work like critical thinking, creativity and relationship building. AI does not have human general intelligence today, so a full replacement of human roles is not imminent. AI will augment work rather than replace jobs wholesale.

Conclusion: How to Use Artificial Intelligence

Employing AI tools strategically is key to maximizing productivity in a world where focus time is increasingly scarce. Knowing how to incorporate AI into your specific workflow takes some experimentation. But once the proper solutions are in place, you gain invaluable time each day to dedicate to your highest priorities and most meaningful work.

The time savings AI provides compounds, creating a virtuous cycle where more gets accomplished each day. While AI does have limitations, used judiciously it can augment human abilities and radically upgrade productivity. We’ve only scratched the surface of what’s possible.


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